透過EID身份驗證技術,客戶透過手機App 或網上銀行申請貸款,回答隨機挑選有關個人財務問題,銀行系統便會即時連結環聯個人信貸資料庫,以核實客戶身份,並計算出即時批核貸款額。環聯總裁蔡炳中表示,有別市面上一般雙因子認證技術,如單次使用密碼(one time password)等,以個人財務問題作為身份驗證方式更安全,且毋須擔心因token或手機被盜,而被冒充身份。「EID基於環聯個人信貸資料庫,屬knowledge-based的身份驗證技術,答案只有客戶自己知道,而且EID會不斷轉換問題,不必擔心遺失token或手機,更有保障。」
Dear Customers.
回覆刪除We invite you all to participate in our new business and project funding program, We are currently funding for Business start-up Business developments, Business acquisition Business expansion, Project funding and Working capital etc.
This Funding program allows a client to enjoy 3% low interest rate and payback period of 1 to 35 years. We can approve a loan/funding for up to $500,000,000.00 or more depending on the nature of business we are currently funding for and we satisfy our customers' financial needs and help them succeed
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